Touch Not! 3
Touch Not! 3
Touch Not! 3
Touch Not! 3
Touch Not! 3
This game is the successor of Touch Not! 2 and is also about evading blocks. This time there is a new mode called Sideway, which is the normal mode but a bit more difficult and like the name says: sideway.And combined with the huge redesign","keywords":"Touch Not! 3","content":"This game is the successor of Touch Not! 2 and is also about evading blocks. This time there is a new mode called Sideway, which is the normal mode but a bit more difficult and like the name says: sideway.rnAnd combined with the huge redesign of the UI this game is just awesome to play when you're bored.rnLittle instructions to the keybinds: walk/fly with WASD or ^V<> keys. Press P to pause the game and  G to end the game.rnHave fun while playing.nn Patch Notesn Below are the patch notes from the past updates to this game.
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